Australia’s Modern Manufacturing Strategy 2020

Australian manufacturers have faced many different challenges and opportunities in the months since the COVID19 pandemic hit Australia. Locking down our economy has impacted demand for many sectors, along with creating shortages in others as international supply chains failed. Australian’s famed ingenuity has come to the fore with many businesses pivoting, shifting their capabilities to…

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When Change is the Only Constant

Thinking on your feet

The emergence of COVID19 has challenged most businesses and business owners, as they attempt to react and respond to a sustained situation of uncertainty and ongoing change. One of the insights I can share from working across a wide range of industries and different businesses over many years is  that having a plan is extremely…

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The Language of Manufacturing

During a recent conversation with the owner of an innovative small manufacturing business, I was struck by what I believe highlights a road block many manufacturers in Australia face. Whilst discussing the opportunities for significant growth over the next year –  and the imperative to increase output by 40% –  the conversation focused on the…

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Working together to take Australian manufacturing to a better place

Working together to take Australian manufacturing to a better place

As published in The Newcastle Herald, April 2020. The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent strict controls to protect the community have highlighted the consequences of significant decisions and events – or lack of them – in the history of Australian manufacturing.

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Business in Interesting Times

There is no getting away from it! 2020 – the start of a new year and a new decade full of promise and opportunity then along comes a coronavirus pandemic to make things interesting. No matter what industry your business is in, the impacts of the pandemic will be felt in one form or another.…

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Five tips to manage manufacturing growing pains

growth in business

When manufacturing sales are increasing and new opportunities can be sensed, it’s natural for thoughts to turn to expanding.  However, expansion can be as dangerous to your business as no growth at all. Unplanned rapid growth can destabilise a business giving its owners a false sense of well-being from growing sales whilst the cost of…

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Four steps to better time management

Running a manufacturing business can be a juggling act with competing priorities for your time. It’s challenging to find enough time to ‘work on the business’ while also keeping on top of the daily demands of the business.

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6 elements your manufacturing business plan needs

Operating a manufacturing business without a plan is somewhat like getting into a car, shutting your eyes and starting to drive. You just wouldn’t do it, and if you did, you’d likely not survive for long.

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Why it pays to foster a positive business culture

One of the most common mantras I hear from manufacturing business owners would have to be “our people are our greatest asset”. Are you doing enough to foster a positive business culture?

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